Saturday 6 October 2012

the list.


I love this new Muse song. Have you heard it? You probably have as it's played a lot on the radio. Not being a big fan of muse, yeah I like some of the classics and saw them play a great show at Leeds years ago, I was surprised but I think it's because this feels like a different style of song to me and I love it.

Before the first time I heard it, Matt and I were talking and he was telling me he thought it sounded a lot like another band. Anyone else thinking this? Well after listening to it, I was struck with how like Queen it sounds (Brian May stylee solo anyone?). 

I am a big fan of Queen. I grew listening to pretty much nothing but Queen as my parents were [big] fans. Although that being said they once had the opportunity to go and see them live but turned it down. Can you believe that? As in, said nah, I don't think so. 

I am particularly affronted by this as Queen are on my list of bands I must would love to see before I meet my maker and I definitely don't have the opportunity to ever see them. GUTTED. Especially gutted as they are one of only a few bands left I haven't seen.

Who's on your list?

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