Wednesday 3 October 2012

back to work.

Well here we are in October. Seriously where did this year go? I feel like I blinked and 8 months just flashed by. It seems like just yesterday I started my maternity leave (and this blog) and whenever people asked me about work I would nonchalantly say "Yeah, I go back in November" as if it was forever away but now it's next month. NEXT MONTH.

I love being at home with my baby. I think I could quite happily be a stay at home mumma (SAHM). But I can't. I need to work for two reasons.

For my family&For me.

To continue living in our beautiful home and enjoying our life I need to work. So we can eat good food, have family swimming time, buy Harry things, I have to continue earning. Money doesn't grow on trees now does it?!

But also, I need to still be me. Harriet will always be a teacher and will always love teaching. To stop would be difficult. It's my calling and I tried to run away from it once before and it didn't work. God well and truly swung every door wide open for me to enter this career and I firmly believe it's part of his plan for me to return.

Yeah it will be hard. The thought of leaving my baby as he's just getting up and coming home an hour before he goes to bed 3 days a week breaks my heart. But I know I'm always going to be his mumma and he will always need me whether I'm home or at work.

So for now. Back to work I go.

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