Monday 1 October 2012

photo a day.

I made an autumn bucket list and blogged about it here. Part of that is taking part in the photo a day challenge which is always circulating on instagram and this is the one I am going to take part in. 


 Of course, taking a photo a day is about showing your creativity and sharing your life (if you choose to share the photos online) with others so choosing your own photo each day is a great option however I am not so creative and finding a photo to take everyday would probably not go well, you'd probably end up seeing 31 pictures of my dinner which would [probably] turn out less interesting!

I haven't blogged much recently. I have started a few posts but never finished them or felt that they were right to post and for this I have felt guilty at times. But then yesterday I was talking to a friend and was reminded that I started this for fun and to serve as a memory of our lives and so shouldn't allow it to become a burden. So, that being said, if I don't blog for a few weeks days, I'm going to forgive myself. I hope you will too.

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