Monday 3 September 2012


For a while now I have been wanting a blackboard for the kitchen. Somewhere to write encouraging notes, bible verses and reminders. I looked around but they all seemed wayyyy over priced and frankly not cool. So with the help of pinterest I made one myself.

Here's the finished product..

I love how it turned out. And how simple it was.

I bought the frame at a boot sale for £1. Ridiculously cheap right? It wasn't just a frame though, it had an acrylic painting inside. Because of the way the painting was secured to the frame, I decided I would just paint over the picture. Which I did after sanding it down with sandpaper first. It didn't come up really smooth which I am a bit disappointed about but I know that with more sanding it would have been better. Plus my husband just says it adds more character. 

I then used blackboard paint to paint over the picture. It needed four coats and the paintbrush left [paintbrush] streaks and with hindsight I know a roller would have been better. 

I love it. A cheap and unique alternative to my problem. Plus I get to write cute messages when friends come over which is so fun [we had The Olleys over yesterday and it was so much fun; good food, wii sports and lots of laughter!] and just what I wanted to have the chance to do.

This week I am going to try to post at least every other day. We'll see how it goes!

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