Wednesday 5 September 2012

a boy and his sippy cup.

Yesterday was Harry's first go with a sippy cup. 

For about 2 weeks now we have been sitting down to dinner whilst Harry is still up. He sits in his highchair at the table with us. Even though he is still young, I wanted to start good eating habits early. We spend the time praying, singing, chatting and playing oh and of course eating! It's a great family time which really warms my heart.

The only thing missing is Harry actually eating. Being just five months we can't aren't supposed to wean him yet. Buuuuut I am desperate to. I want him to really join in the family dinner time! As a step towards this next part of the baby adventure, I read that a baby can be given a cup with milk in to play with before weaning actually happens. 

So, that's what I did. I bought a free flow cup (better for their teeth apparently) and filled it with some milk. He really didn't know what to do. 

He bashed it. 
He chewed it.
He tipped it.
He sucked it.

But he didn't drink from it.

We held it for him and he did get some milk but then proceeded to spit it out. Nevertheless is was fun watching our baby discover something else new.

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