Thursday 30 August 2012

Christmas is coming.

I am back to work in 9 weeks! That may seem like forever to some but bear in mind I've been away from work for 26 weeks and it seems like no time at all left. Although I am trying not to focus on the difficulty of leaving my precious baby but am thinking ahead to Christmas.

I love Christmas. My husband and I have a cute tradition where we watch watch Home Alone, eat cheese and drink wine while tracking Santa. Yeah we are that cool! But I'm not only looking forward to this; I also love the giving of gifts. 

Sometimes I spend hours thinking about the perfect gift for someone and other times I just seem to stumble upon something brilliant but either way I really enjoy the chance to show my family and friends how much I love them.

Well this year is no different other than the fact that we have way less money. So gifts on a budget? Nah. Instead I am going to make as many of the gifts as I can all with the inspiration and help of Pinterest of course!

I have ideas for some people but I'm struggling for the guys. Any ideas?

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