Tuesday 11 September 2012

pinning this week.

Okay, so some of these weren't pinned this week buuuuut I'm gonna start a series on Tuesday called Pinning this week and seeing as I have loads of pins already I thought I'd share some I already had.

The theme this week, food. 
1. peaches 'n cream pie
2. apple snack time
3. roasted butternut squash and black bean enchiladas
4. chicken stew with butternut squash and quinoa
5. strawberries and chocolate
6. baked zucchini sticks and sweet onion dip

What have you been pinning this week? 

I'm hoping to break my habit and actually make some of these this week. I'm particularly looking forward to the peaches 'n cream pie! I'll let you know how it turns out.

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