Wednesday 19 September 2012

pinning this week.

We've been very busy these last few day so this post is a day late. Not great for a regular post right?

Anyway, because I've been so busy I haven't even spent that much time on pinterest (shocking right?) so this one is another post with some previously pinned items.

We are hoping to decorate our bedroom at some point so I have started collecting items. Love the colours and really want to do something bold with the decoration. I love little ornaments too so I plan on making a few different things.

Find links to original pins here.

Friday 14 September 2012

christmas is coming.

101 days until Christmas day. 
 But remember Christmas is a season and so we can begin to enjoy it before that surely?

For years now I have spent the Christmas period listening to AccuRadio's Christmas station. It actually plays all year round and occasionally when I am feeling excited about Christmas I have listened to it [even in July once]. I have started thinking about Christmas and so am even tempted to start listening now. But I'm not sure that will go down well with Matthew...

Thursday 13 September 2012

autumn bucket list.

No post yesterday because our precious baby boy is sick. He has the sniffles and a little cough. It would be cute if he didn't wake up crying after every [short] nap because he can't breath through his nose. Poor little boy. Needless to say, I went and bought every lots of drugs for him. Here's praying he gets better soon.

Anyway, as autumn is upon us and it is my favourite season I thought I'd do a bucket list of things I really want to do during this time. This is about memory making and even though Harry won't remember these early years, I want to do as much as I can with him. Forever and always.

Care to join me in any of them?

Oh and anyone know why my text always comes up blurry in photos I add?

Tuesday 11 September 2012

pinning this week.

Okay, so some of these weren't pinned this week buuuuut I'm gonna start a series on Tuesday called Pinning this week and seeing as I have loads of pins already I thought I'd share some I already had.

The theme this week, food. 
1. peaches 'n cream pie
2. apple snack time
3. roasted butternut squash and black bean enchiladas
4. chicken stew with butternut squash and quinoa
5. strawberries and chocolate
6. baked zucchini sticks and sweet onion dip

What have you been pinning this week? 

I'm hoping to break my habit and actually make some of these this week. I'm particularly looking forward to the peaches 'n cream pie! I'll let you know how it turns out.

Monday 10 September 2012

the tour of britain.

Yesterday we had the privelege of witnessing an inspiring sporting event. 

100 riders. 
25C+ temperatures.

The first stage of the Tour of Britain started in Ipswich and saw the riders ride through beautiful towns and villages in Suffolk and Norfolk before finishing at the Norfolk Showground.

We went to the finish with the family and had a great time cheering the amazing sportsmen on!

It was a great day finished off with a delicious summer roast and plum crumble. Yum!

Saturday 8 September 2012

5 months.

Today it is five months since we met our sweet baby boy.
He has changed our lives. For the better.

We spent the day at work with daddy and cleaning. How rock and roll! Perhaps we'll do something more exciting for his half birthday.

Any suggestions?

Friday 7 September 2012

3648 hours.

It's been 3648 hours, 152 days, 13,132,800 seconds, 21 weeks and 5 days, 218,880 minutes since the birth of our son. Where has the time gone?

Tomorrow he will be 5 months so I thought I'd do a little round up of Harry at this point:

♥ Harry loves watching mumma and daddy singing and dancing. He giggles like a crazy baby when we dance around singing at the tops of our voices in the kitchen. It is such fun to see.

♥ Harry dislikes sleeping on his back. Try and try as much as I may he will not sleep on his back. 

♥ Mumma is getting totally excited for baby led weaning! Harry will be eating big boy food so soon!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

a boy and his sippy cup.

Yesterday was Harry's first go with a sippy cup. 

For about 2 weeks now we have been sitting down to dinner whilst Harry is still up. He sits in his highchair at the table with us. Even though he is still young, I wanted to start good eating habits early. We spend the time praying, singing, chatting and playing oh and of course eating! It's a great family time which really warms my heart.

The only thing missing is Harry actually eating. Being just five months we can't aren't supposed to wean him yet. Buuuuut I am desperate to. I want him to really join in the family dinner time! As a step towards this next part of the baby adventure, I read that a baby can be given a cup with milk in to play with before weaning actually happens. 

So, that's what I did. I bought a free flow cup (better for their teeth apparently) and filled it with some milk. He really didn't know what to do. 

He bashed it. 
He chewed it.
He tipped it.
He sucked it.

But he didn't drink from it.

We held it for him and he did get some milk but then proceeded to spit it out. Nevertheless is was fun watching our baby discover something else new.

Tuesday 4 September 2012


For a holiday this year we spent a week in the beautiful Lake District. There is some truly spectacular scenery which can literally take your breath away (especially if you're half way up a mountain!) and some delightful little places to visit.

We decided to do a joint holiday and spent the week with our lovely friends and it really made the holiday. We had a really great time sharing a beautiful home in the quaint village of Cartmel and decided that we would definitely like to do joint holidays again in the future!



It was a great first family holiday and I'm already looking forward to the next one!

Monday 3 September 2012


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For a while now I have been wanting a blackboard for the kitchen. Somewhere to write encouraging notes, bible verses and reminders. I looked around but they all seemed wayyyy over priced and frankly not cool. So with the help of pinterest I made one myself.

Here's the finished product..

I love how it turned out. And how simple it was.

I bought the frame at a boot sale for £1. Ridiculously cheap right? It wasn't just a frame though, it had an acrylic painting inside. Because of the way the painting was secured to the frame, I decided I would just paint over the picture. Which I did after sanding it down with sandpaper first. It didn't come up really smooth which I am a bit disappointed about but I know that with more sanding it would have been better. Plus my husband just says it adds more character. 

I then used blackboard paint to paint over the picture. It needed four coats and the paintbrush left [paintbrush] streaks and with hindsight I know a roller would have been better. 

I love it. A cheap and unique alternative to my problem. Plus I get to write cute messages when friends come over which is so fun [we had The Olleys over yesterday and it was so much fun; good food, wii sports and lots of laughter!] and just what I wanted to have the chance to do.

This week I am going to try to post at least every other day. We'll see how it goes!