Tuesday 24 July 2012

Being a mumma.

Our sweet baby B is now 15 weeks old. I can't quite believe that time has flown by so quickly. I now have less time than I've already had with him before I go back to work. Wow. 

The last 15 weeks haven't always been easy but I thought I'd share some of the things that have helped me have some order in the chaos.

1. The knowledge that God is always with me. He can give me strength in the hard times and fill me with joy when I need reminding how precious our screaming baby is. I am not alone. EVER. Even at 3 in the morning when everyone else in the world is asleep. Spending time with God, reading my bible has really helped me in the small hours. Try #shereadstruth for great reading plans which can come straight to your iPhone.

2. Taking time for me. Even if it's only a quick trip to the shop to get that milk or a relaxing bath, it is important to take time out to rest and not always be responsible for the baby. My wonderful husband loves his Daddy-Harry time whether its 7 in the morning (yeah he gets up with the baby to let me have more time in bed! I am so blessed) or an evening while I visit a friend. 

NB - I have such a new respect for single parents who very often don't get the chance for a break! Do you know someone you could help out and give a break?

3. Tidying when the baby is napping. Although I will admit I am sometimes so tired I just crash on the sofa for another episode of ANTM (seriously I am addicted), I always try to do the jobs that are bugging me while Harry sleeps. Yeah, I know everyone says to rest when the baby sleeps but in an odd way tidying is relaxing for me and means that at the end of the day I can properly relax. I have never been one for tidying later.. it just bugs me having stuff left to clean.

4. Having a bedtime routine. We decided to try to instigate a routine once Harry went into his own room. We have always had a bath, fed and then cuddled but more recently I have included some gentle play and a story. I know he is still young but honestly reading to him has a calming effect and seems to even more clearly signal bedtime. Some nights he goes to sleep and we hear very little from him and some we're up and down the stairs a few times but it is so worth it because Matthew and I get some time together before we go to bed.

5. Reminding myself that he is only going to be little once. At some point he will be grown up and won't want to cuddle with mumma or play with daddy so we're gonna enjoy it while we can.

A long post I know but hopefully some interesting points for you to think over.

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