Thursday 8 March 2012

My days.

How is it that even though I am not working I still find little time to write on my blog?

The first few days of my 'baby vacation' were sloooow and I felt I had so much time on my hands and no idea what I would do to fill it. But here we are nearing in on the end of the third week and time is literally disappearing before my eyes. Don't get me wrong. I am excited about time moving; we are getting ever closer to meeting our baby B but I thought I would have so much free time. Not so. 

Perhaps it's how I spend my days..?

a rough breakdown of a day in my life..

0900 - wake up. drink tea. eat breakfast.
1000 - watch ANTM.
1100 - drink tea. run a bath.
1300 - plan lunch. make lunch. drink tea.
1400 - watch countdown&murder she wrote.
1500 - read bible. pray. worship. drink tea.
1630 - plan dinner. prepare dinner.
1700 - matty returns. eat dinner.

Somedays I have some added excitement - swimming, tea with friends, visiting school..

But as you can see I have a very full and packed schedule of doing not a lot. I love it. Oh, and yes I am aware at how things will change when baby arrives but for now I am enjoying the little things.

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