Thursday 29 March 2012

Birth day.

How long will we have to wait to meet our precious baby?

I feel like I am now more than ready to go.. bag packed, room ready, clothes washed.. all we need now is our baby to start the labour process. I really don't want to have to go down the induction route but even thinking about that is premature. Our due date isn't even here yet and still my impatience to meet our child is driving me crazy.

Some days the time seems to pass so slowly. Hours feel like days sometimes and my discomfort only adds to this torment. I spend hours daydreaming about our child. What is baby b's eye colour? Will baby have hair? Is baby's tummy going to be podgy (I hope so!)? When will we meet this child?

Interestingly, I am actually really looking forward to going into labour. Sure it's going to be hard and I am sure I won't be so eager when it actually starts (?) but I just want to meet this baby.

5 days 'til due date.

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