Thursday 29 March 2012


Four posts today.

I found a few drafts and thought why not publish them.

the resurgence.

The blogs on this site have really inspired me. Check them out. I really like the family section but that's probably just what's going on in my life right now.

the american president.

i love michael douglas in this film.


I recently read a blog called 'an excellent wife is forged, not found' on the (find it here

It convicted and inspired me. I have spent a lot of my life trying to do everything I can to please everyone I can. My desire to be loved is overwhelming as is all of ours I am sure. But I have been searching for my worth in all the wrong places. Sure it is natural to want to be loved by our parents, friends, spouse but not healthy to place all our worth in the love given by earthly people.

God loved me first. Chose me first. Gave his son for me. True love.

Birth day.

How long will we have to wait to meet our precious baby?

I feel like I am now more than ready to go.. bag packed, room ready, clothes washed.. all we need now is our baby to start the labour process. I really don't want to have to go down the induction route but even thinking about that is premature. Our due date isn't even here yet and still my impatience to meet our child is driving me crazy.

Some days the time seems to pass so slowly. Hours feel like days sometimes and my discomfort only adds to this torment. I spend hours daydreaming about our child. What is baby b's eye colour? Will baby have hair? Is baby's tummy going to be podgy (I hope so!)? When will we meet this child?

Interestingly, I am actually really looking forward to going into labour. Sure it's going to be hard and I am sure I won't be so eager when it actually starts (?) but I just want to meet this baby.

5 days 'til due date.

Thursday 8 March 2012

My days.

How is it that even though I am not working I still find little time to write on my blog?

The first few days of my 'baby vacation' were sloooow and I felt I had so much time on my hands and no idea what I would do to fill it. But here we are nearing in on the end of the third week and time is literally disappearing before my eyes. Don't get me wrong. I am excited about time moving; we are getting ever closer to meeting our baby B but I thought I would have so much free time. Not so. 

Perhaps it's how I spend my days..?

a rough breakdown of a day in my life..

0900 - wake up. drink tea. eat breakfast.
1000 - watch ANTM.
1100 - drink tea. run a bath.
1300 - plan lunch. make lunch. drink tea.
1400 - watch countdown&murder she wrote.
1500 - read bible. pray. worship. drink tea.
1630 - plan dinner. prepare dinner.
1700 - matty returns. eat dinner.

Somedays I have some added excitement - swimming, tea with friends, visiting school..

But as you can see I have a very full and packed schedule of doing not a lot. I love it. Oh, and yes I am aware at how things will change when baby arrives but for now I am enjoying the little things.