Monday 18 June 2012

still learning.

I am still trying to get used to blogger so forgive my lack of chronology in posts.

The last post.. through the night.. was written two weeks ago but for some reason it was still a draft?!

I think part of the problem is that although I just got a new laptop (birthday present from my wonderful Matthew) prior to that I was mainly using my phone for internet related things and blogger just isn't the same on a phone. I can't work out how to justify my posts on a phone. Any ideas? Well, seeing as I am a perfectionist who only likes things that look right I can't post a blog unless it is justified!

Through the night.

Well Mr Harry George has slept all the way through the night twice now. At just 8 weeks!

The first time was Saturday night when he went 10pm til 5am and last night he slept 10.30 til 7am. What a wonderful boy we have.

I don't care if he doesn't do it again tonight or for a while we are just happy he's going in the right direction.

I've started reading a parenting book - I'll let you know what it's like. I already feel convicted about things and I'm still in chapter one.

pin it.

Pinterest is my new obsession.

I could quite easily while away the hours looking through recipes, projects and party ideas. There are some really fun ideas on there which give me great inspiration for things to make now and in the future.

I love looking for family activities and dreaming about spending my days creating with Harry (& possibly others?!) At the moment Harry spends his days feeding, sleeping, playing and smiling. And they are great days but I can't wait 'til we can start making things together. 

I'm even daydreaming about homeschooling.. it's a long way off and I always had my opinions about it but I kinda like the idea of teaching my baby.

Anyway, check out pinterest - it is lots of fun - but be warned it will take over your life.

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